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Author :

Ampcome CEO
Mohamed Sarfraz Nawaz
Ampcome linkedIn.svg

Mohamed Sarfraz Nawaz is the CEO and founder of Ampcome, which is at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development. Nawaz's passion for technology is matched by his commitment to creating solutions that drive real-world results. Under his leadership, Ampcome's team of talented engineers and developers craft innovative IT solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving technological landscape.Ampcome's success is a testament to Nawaz's dedication to excellence and his unwavering belief in the transformative power of technology.


AI in IT Service Management: A Comprehensive Overview

AI in IT Service Management - Ampcome

Have you ever felt that owning IT systems has become a headache because of their constant breakdown that paralyzes the entire workflow system? 

Are you facing repetitive information technology shutdowns and failing to understand the root cause?

Well, you’re not alone. 75% of businesses are dealing with application outages that last longer than one hour leading to $300,000 or more revenue lost. And, IT system failure never comes alone. They bring lost productivity, idle teams, and high customer churn. 

However, businesses can put a full stop to ever-evolving and intensely damaging IT failure by deploying  AI in their standard IT service management approach.

With the use of AI technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and many more, an advanced AI IT service management system can mitigate a wide range of failures. 

Must Read: Key Applications and Use Cases of AI In Different Industries 

What is IT Service Management?

IT Service Management (ITSM) is a strategic approach that involves designing, delivering, managing, and improving the way information technology (IT) is used within an organization. Its key aim is to make sure that the existing IT infrastructure is modernized, operative, and can meet the business needs & goals without any downtime. Here are key points that sum up ITSM in a crisp manner. 

  • This is a process-oriented approach featuring various types of standardized IT handling processes such as incident management, problem management, change management, and service request fulfillment.
  • It concentrates on providing IT as a service to internal and external customers. 
  • Based upon the businesses and their IT infrastructure, it can entail managing service levels, availability, and continuity.
  • By enhancing the performance of IT systems, predicting future failures, and reducing downtime, ITSM can optimize IT costs and even dictate the financial management of IT services.
  • ITSM facilitates ongoing assessment and upgrades so that existing IT infrastructure can evolve with time and helps businesses stay ahead of the curve. 
  • It even furnishes a structured framework for maintenance, upgrade, and inclusion/exclusion in the IT infrastructure to maintain uniformity throughout. 

In a nutshell, ITSM aims to mitigate IT risks, automate their maintenance, do real-time performance tracking, and manage IT services through and through, ensuring they are efficient, reliable, and aligned with business needs. 

Top 5 Challenges in IT Service Management

While having progressive and proactive IT service management is the need of the hour,  the road ahead is not smooth. Every day, businesses trying to execute effective IT service management approaches are facing failures because of endless challenges. We hand-picked the top 5 for you. 

Increasing Cybersecurity Threats

Wider is the IT infrastructure of a business, higher are the cybersecurity risks. Over 50% of IT leaders have confirmed that it’s a grueling task to maintain and improve the security posture of their IT infrastructure to keep growing cybersecurity threats. 

Day after day, cybercriminals are becoming smart and finding new ways to corrupt an IT system or steal crucial data. In 2023 Uber, the leading ride-sharing company, suffered a major breach due to lax security practices, costing them millions in fines and lawsuits.

Complexities in IT Management

The growing dependency on IT systems to automate and streamline key workflow has increased the complexities of IT management. On average, different departments of a company use over 200 applications, and 56% of these applications might be managed by individual business units rather than the centralized IT management unit. 

Such extensive IT infrastructure, featuring legacy and siloed units, is hard to manage and this is where the main problem begins. As we know, poorly managed IT environments lead to downtime, wasted resources, and unhappy end-users. Many businesses even have to face dire situations because of ill-managed  IT systems. 

The classic example of Equifax. Back in 2017, this company faced a lethal software vulnerability in its systems that led to a breach exposing 147 million people's data. The culprit was poor governance. 

Growing Burden 

With each new IT system or tool addition, ITSM becomes a little more tedious. Businesses need more resources to look after these newly added systems and tools. However, manual resources consume exponentially more time in understanding the IT infrastructure, existing ITSM framework, and historical data, During their training time, the IT infrastructure may not get the desired attention, resulting in a sudden downtime. 

Limited Scalability 

The traditional automation-based ITSM approach can’t scale rapidly. It requires manual overrides, staff training, integration of existing systems, and even new application development. When 41% of businesses are facing application outages once a week, businesses can’t afford to spend so much time on scalability. Not having immediate scalability of ITSM  is the prime concern for many businesses. 

Limited Knowledge 

Those who are using legacy ITSM systems are not able to unlock the power of predictive maintenance. The standard ITSM systems can automate threat notifications, conduct scheduled scans, and track the system performance in real-time. However, they fail to predict future failure, identify novel threats, and even frame a preventive maintenance strategy. Because of this, most businesses have half-bake IT system management. 

Addressing these challenges at the earliest is the key to success when businesses need to have a highly streamlined, responsive, and result-driven ITSM. 

The Emergence of AI Service Management

Imagine you’re in the middle of a presentation to a major client when suddenly, your web conferencing platform crashes. Panic sets in. You try restarting the app, but nothing works. You call the IT service desk and explain the issue. However, there is a traditional ITSM in place that relies on manual ticket creation and categorization. 

Your IT service management team will have limited visibility into your specific application and will follow pre-defined scripts and troubleshooting steps. 

As a result, you lost a great deal of time and that valuable client as well. Considering this, one thing is sure: traditional ITSM is outdated and businesses need a revolutionary change in their approach to handling IT system downtimes, outages, and performance issues.

Such type of IT service management is heavy on the pocket and time-consuming. The average cost per human agent-handled ticket is $20

Now, let’s have a different approach to the same issue. You have an AI-powered IT service management that can constantly monitor system health and application performance and detect anomalies before they take place. 

You might have some self-healing techniques and predictive maintenance approaches in place. You don’t have to raise a ticket to the service management team because you will have an AI-powered chatbot that can guide you through initial troubleshooting steps. 

This is the new reality of ITSM. AI for IT operations enables risk mitigation before it even disrupts key workflows. It will minimize downtime and ensure a faster resolution. This not only improves your experience but also portrays your company as technologically adept and prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

The growing landscape of AI and automation presents with an opportunity to integrate artificial intelligence into IT service management. AI service management is not only a modern perspective but also a viable way to surpass the limitations of outdated ITSM solutions. Through the use of machine learning algorithms, it aims to: 

  • Automates tasks
  • Improves efficiency
  • Gains valuable insights from vast amounts of data to deliver a superior service experience.

The embedded intelligence and automation of the AISM system unlock new incidence management, troubleshooting,  and IT system maintenance. These never-seen-before changes in ITSM paved the way for the growing demand for AI in IT infrastructure maintenance. 

Must Read: A Beginners' Guide to Machine Learning 

Use Cases for AI in ITSM

AI for IT operations is rapidly transforming IT Service Management (ITSM) and giving businesses a wide scope to fine-tune their standard  ITSM through the use of machine learning, AI automation, NLP,  predictive analysis, search algorithms, and process automation. 

Below, you will find some of the most viable use cases of AI in ITSM  and some examples from the real world. 

Automated Ticket Classification and Routing

IT service desks that are not powered by AI struggle with a high volume of support tickets daily and have to sort & resolve them manually. 

AI applications in IT service management use NLP to understand the context of the tickets and direct them to the right agent correctly. Businesses can train AI models using historical data of tickets and categorize them for early response.  You can feed new data and allow AI ITSM systems to incorporate the feedback from technicians. AI in ITSM ticket resolutions reduces the handling time by 20 to 30%

Predictive Maintenance

AI-driven predictive maintenance in ITSM is proactive and result-driven. Businesses can be training ML algorithms to detect patterns and identify anomalies. The classification algorithm of AI ITMS does category-based classification of anomalies for early resolutions whereas deep learning can understand complex threat patterns by analyzing the structure and unstructured data with the same ease. A multimodal AI can even reduce bias in predictive threats. 

Also Learn: Multimodal AI: Introduction, Meaning, and Use Cases 

Through the use of AI-driven predictive maintenance, businesses can save up to 25% on maintenance costs and unplanned outages by up to 50%.

Chatbots and Virtual Agents

The average IT ticket resolution time is 24 hours, which can be very pocket-heavy when there is a massive failure. Businesses can cut down the ticket resolution time and reduce their dependency on human agents with the help of AI-powered chatbots and virtual agents to take up technical concerns or queries instantly, direct a ticket to the right department, and offer dependable self-serve assistance. 

Knowledge Management

Generative AI applications enable businesses to have to highly updated knowledge base that employees can use to perform basic troubleshooting. There is no need to grill subject matters to spend hours strategizing, planning, and curating knowledgebase articles for the in-house employees and IT team. 

They can equip AI agents for ITMS with LLMs or generative AI and can have precisely curated content. From articles to detailed guides, everything will be available with a single click. 

AI in knowledge management can reduce information service time by 35%, which makes a huge difference when an IT team member has to fix a lethal IT downtime. 

Must Read: Generative AI: The Beginners’ Guide

Incident Management 

Incidents such as down websites, network issues, and Sharpoint malfunctions are already causing great havoc. Gartner also confirms that website downtimes cost an average of $5,600 per minute and up to $300,000 per hour.  

AI for IT operations can do effective incidence management. Businesses can set machine learning into action to analyze the performance of key IT assets whereas predictive analysis can predict failures before they come into being. 

Anomaly Detection

Businesses can have AI agents for accurate and prompt anomaly detection as they excel in identifying deviations from normal behavior.  They can use ML algorithms to learn from historic data, collected from server logs, network traffic patterns, and application performance metrics.  

Unlike traditional rule-based systems that rely on pre-defined thresholds, AI models are constantly learning and adapting. This warrants businesses to detect anomalies even as the baseline for "normal" activity shifts.

Capacity Planning 

Those who are struggling hard to keep up the demand-supply cycle of IT resources streamlined should use AI in ITSM for capacity planning. AI-powered IT service management tools can continuously monitor the demand, usage, and availability of IT resources in real time. The in-built machine learning algorithm can identify the trends and predict the resources that nearing their capacity. It event can trigger auto-scaling to meet the pea demands and scale down during slack periods. 

Netflix is already using AI applications for capacity planning for its steaming services. The AI at place predicts the viewership in a special event and optimizes the server allocation to meet the demand. 

Benefits of AI for IT Service Management (ITSM)

AI in IT service management is no less than a transformational force, improving everything from productivity to the user experience. Have a look at the key benefits that businesses are enjoying after replacing traditional ITSM with AI-powered ITSM. 

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity 

Through automation AI in IT take care of medical tasks such as ticket classifications, password resets,  troubleshooting, and scheduling a routine checkup enabling the IT team to focus on strategic work. 

As AI-based IT service management systems can do predictive maintenance and real-time troubleshooting around the clock, IT issues are resolved quickly. 

Businesses can experience improved first-contact resolution because AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can answer common questions and resolve basic issues instantly. 

Elevated User Experience

From an end-user perspective, AI in IT support is going wonders by offering a proactive problem-solving approach and self-service option. Employees facing any IT trouble don’t have to wait for a ticket raise. 

They can use AI-powered knowledge bases and troubleshooting guides to find relevant solutions independently. Not only this, AI agents in ITSM can review the IT tool usage behavior of different employees and can personalize the entire support experience, offering relevant solutions. 

Data-driven insights and Decision Making

Businesses can predict future incidents, perform resource allocation optimization, and enable preventive maintenance by training the machine learning models using historical data. AI can also identify trends in service requests and user behavior. Based on this data, enables effective IT resource applications to meet immediate and future demands. 

Advanced Threat Detection

AI-powered ITSM systems have top-notch data analysis abilities through which can review the data received from security sensors in real-time and spots any anomalies in its infancy stage. Businesses are using AI agents to monitor their databases and servers' performance around the clock and pinpoint any threats before they become lethal, resulting in reduced downtime possibilities. 

Reduced Configuration Errors

AI applications for IT enables businesses to trim down system configuration errors by eliminating human intervention from maintenance and upgrade tasks. AI-powered ITSM systems can automatically conduct regular scans for error identification and even upgrade any faulty configurations to avoid any failure. 

Proactive Incident Management

Machine learning in AI-based ITSM systems can continually monitor network traffic, system logs, and user behavior and learn from the collected data. It can identify patterns that may indicate potential security threats or system failures.

By analyzing historical data, AI software can predict future incidents based on current system states allowing IT teams to address potential threats before they do any harm. In some cases, AI systems can automatically implement fixes or countermeasures for predicted issues.

Machine learning models improve over time as they encounter more data and scenarios. This leads to highly responsive and current incident management. 

Reduce Alert Fatigue 

It’s shocking to know that one in every five cybersecurity alerts is a false positive alert, wasting the time and efforts of the core IT team. AI helps in reducing false positives in IT system monitoring. While machine learning algorithms can identify the patterns in false positives, the contextual awareness of AI can review factors such as the source of alerts and recent system activities to identify anomalies that are missed by simple rule-based systems, resulting in high false positives. 

Why Choose Ampcome for Adopting AI for ITSM?

If you haven’t started using AI applications for maintaining your IT infrastructure, it’s time to do as 82% of businesses have already admitted that AI automation will improve IT service management by all means possible. 

Collaborating with Ampcome’s AI development team presents businesses with a chance to experience state-of-the-art AI software in IT service management development. Our team of AI application developers has unbeatable experience in machine learning, deep learning, AI automation, generative AI, NLP, and other AI development components. 

They will help you translate visions into market-ready AI applications that will automate IT system maintenance, deliver unmatched user experience, save crucial work hours, optimize resource applications, and improve the speed and accuracy of incident management. 

Why struggle with IT sustain failures and put a stop to every key workflow when you can predict them and have a proactive remedial solution handy? Contact Ampcome today to learn the power of AI in ITSM and how can you make the most of it. 

Author :
Ampcome CEO
Mohamed Sarfraz Nawaz
Ampcome linkedIn.svg

Mohamed Sarfraz Nawaz is the CEO and founder of Ampcome, which is at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development. Nawaz's passion for technology is matched by his commitment to creating solutions that drive real-world results. Under his leadership, Ampcome's team of talented engineers and developers craft innovative IT solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving technological landscape.Ampcome's success is a testament to Nawaz's dedication to excellence and his unwavering belief in the transformative power of technology.


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